Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Aha, finally have a day to update!!

Our school had there first Michaelmas festival, which we call the fall festival. We made a dragon head out of paper maiche in class 6 handwork, very last minute, but I think it turned out so great!! The 6-ers manned the dragon, and the 2nds put on the play, and then everyone went outside for a mini in school festival. We had many game stations, face painting, giant tears (oh, this is wonderful, the kids try to steal the jewal tears the giant is crying...they are those glass thingies you put in vases, etc...) Apple bobbing, but on string (hellooooo, H1N1, everyone is paranoid!! anyway, it is more sanitary to do it this way, but there is nothing like bobbing in cool water for an apple, especially when your front teethe are missing...) and other race-like was HOT HOT HOT that day, not very Autumnal...the fall arrived that weekend, the temps dropped like 20 plus degrees!

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