Well, it is two weeks in to the school year, and we really have accomplished lots and lots!
5th grade has sanded all four of the needles for 4 needle knitting, we died and wound our wool for our hats, so tomorrow we will do some practice knitting to remember how...I only have two who have never knitted, and the rest I had 3 years ago, so I remember who can knit and who cannot so well....only one student did not like the colour of his yarn, and he sabotaged it by making it all in a tangle...then getting a headache and having to lay down...uh oh, well...he has to untangle that beautiful wool so someone else can use it before he makes another skein of a colour he likes---I wouldn't normally let a student change their colour, but he is the only one who doesn't love love love their wool!!! (we used food colouring, about 15 drops per 1/3 cup, used spoons to drop on wool...I soaked wool overnight in a big bucket with water and vinegar, which I did not measure...but it smelled like vinegar...no rinsing, just dripped until we were ready...then we put the skeins in plastic zip lock baggies and placed in the sun on the black top where they steamed for 2 hours---then we dipped them in clear cool water, no dye came off!!!! Hung up to dry, and voila!!!)
6th grade we are well on our way to finishing our pencil pouches, and some are working on the big dragon head for Michealmas, or for what we are calling our fall festival (in school only...not like a big fest we usually have on the weekends)
7th, well...we felted pouches and made inch worms, and this was all to get ready to make felted slippers...but if I went ahead with that project I would feel that I was rewarding some pretty awfull behaviour, sooooooo...we will be doing something else tomorrow----which I am trusting will come to me in the night???
8th is really coming along with sewing!!!! I have so many students, and really, it is going quite well considering.........
Oh, and I am posting an old pic from 3 years ago of the sign we made for our school in woodworking....they were so darned proud of that sign!!!