Oh boy, well, my intention was to keep this up weekly, but......
We have been busy bees in handwork! My 5th graders are amazing knitters, and have blazed through every project! I try to have a "giving" project, and ours is blankets, hats and/or booties for preemie babies. The blanket is so tiny, it makes us realise how small and fragile these babies are!
The 6th grade finished their pencil roll-ups, and we then moved on to making our gusseted animal. We chose a pig from a farm rescue named "Peggie Sue" (did I already mention that previously?) I will have some pictures of finished pigs by week's end--they are so cute, and we are making a "pig pen" to keep our completed piggies together and not running all over the classroom! Next, we have begun our tunics for medieval games. The class decided to dye the fabric red, a very suitable colour for this particular class I thought! It was so lovely to see the fabric flowing in the wind on one of the few sunny days we have had. The coat-of-arms and banner are to follow, and more on that later. (for Valentines day we felted hearts out of wool we dyed with kool-aide...they thought that was pretty awsome that you could dye with drink powder)
7th grade has been a challenge, mostly due to the class size, but also due to the fact that it is 7th grade. The big project is chef's aprons, and to my amazement quite a few have finished or are on the way to finishing...for those lucky acheivers, they will be able to create a marrionette!
8th grade is a joy, they all finished PJ bottoms, then the giving project of bags for kids at the children's receiving home (the kids can put their stuff in it and keep the bags). Now we have begun wood carving--first we made frames for practice, and now we are making a lecturn for the school as the 8th grade gift.
I only have a few pictures, my regular computer has been down for some time and holds most of my pictures!
ALSO, during these last months I have attended two Waldorf teachers conferences--both wonderful. More on that later too!